Customer is fully responsible for the creation, layout, and proofing of all content. Additional fees may apply if The Wrap Printer is required to make changes to provided files.

Customer-submitted artwork must be the same size as the artboard. Failure to have both at same size may result in graphics being produced at a different size than intended.

We DO NOT accept encrypted / locked / password Protected files.


The Wrap Printer prints in CMYK; however, you may upload in RGB or some other standard if you choose at full production size. (Any PMS colors will not be color accurate if you choose to use anything other than CMYK)


We build rich black with a spot color named Pure Black.

Please make your spot color named Pure Black if you desire your black color to be rich. To achieve the richest black you must set the CMYK values to:

C=100 / M=100 / Y=100 / B=100

If you set your CMYK values to:

C=0 / M=0 / Y=0 / B=100

black will print as gray.


Spot Black C=0 M=0 Y=0 @ K=100

Rich Black C=100 M=100 Y=100 K=100


Pantone Matching System (PMS) color matching is available for an additional charge per file. The Wrap Printer uses Pantone PLUS Solid Coated Formula Guide. The file must include a spot color.


As perforated/window film has less surface area and a different film base than wrap films, colors will not visually match exactly to your wrap film.


Do not make your artwork with Overprint Fill selected. If that’s selected, your graphic will print incorrectly.

If customer chooses to pre-gang small graphics to fit on a sheet, keep graphics (including the perimeter cut and bleed) within:

  • 52.25“ for Wrap Film
  • 52.25” for Window Film

All graphics larger than 52.25” that need to be tiled will be produced with a 1” overlap.


The preferred file type is PDF, JPG or TIFF; however, we do accept other file types such as .ai, .eps, .tiff, .tif., .jpg and .psd.

If you send a .doc or .docx file, you are definitely in the wrong place.

Please upload files at full scale. For best print, all artwork, designs, and images must be provided at a minimum of 100ppi at actual size. Setup document at 100% scale (actual size). Example: 64″w x 52″h graphic = 64″w x 52″h document.

Downsized files: You may submit files scaled down. You are also required to send an email with your order number to ensure we use the correct scale for your project. Keep in mind that the resolution guidelines above must be followed when enlarging your file. For example if you create your file at 200ppi and your wrap is designed at 10% scale, the enlarged file will only be 20ppi at final print size. Please notify us in the order notes section at checkout if your files are scaled down. Drop shadows tend to be problematic as well.

Illustrator vector files are the preferred format for graphics and allow the greatest flexibility for sizing files without loss of quality; however, raster files are accepted as well.

Raster effects and transparency offered in the most current versions of graphic design programs do not always reproduce correctly. For best results, please flatten any raster effects.


Please convert all text (fonts) to outlines, this will ensure that your text does not change when printing.


Cut files should be uploaded in a .pdf file. 

Cad pattern should be on its own layer and named CutContour.

Make bleed at .0625” outside cut lines.

Minimum width for text/artwork is .125”; minimum includes serifs and fine art detail.